board of directors
Position Name
President Chase Sprouse
Executive Vice President and CBar Administrator TBA
Vice President, Finance Dr. Zachary Leffakis
Vice President, Administration Danielle Hanna
Vice President, Education TBD
Vice President, Membership Chris Paulz, CSCP, CPIM, CLTD, LCB,CCS, CES, CAPM
Vice President, Programs TBD
Vice President, Marketing Toyya Funchess
Past President Keith Moncreif, DBA CPIM, CLTD, CPIM
Web Administrator Mike Prater, CPIM
Vice President, Corporate Outreach Steve Greene, CSCP, CPIM, CLTD
Chair of Career Development TBD
Communications Director - Social Media TBA
Clemson Student Chapter President Michael Schuler
Academics-Clemson Dr. Zachary Leffakis
Members at Large Tom Krupka, CFPIM, CSCP, JONAH, CLTD
Members at Large Mark Whelchel
Meet APICS Past President John Center
Video by Keith Delesline -
Video by Keith Delesline -